Wednesday, February 1, 2012

U.S.D.A: Cut the Fat and Stop Feeding Us Dog Food

Need budget cuts? Here's a great place to start. Just one of the numerous tax payer supported government departments I talked about in the book that were created to watch out for us, but seem to prefer to watch out for Big Biz and their profits (or not watch out at all ).

The following is just one example of many, from the food they allow to be sold, to dangerous drugs, to medical implants, to ..............

From an article on Yahoo News and a video from Jamie Oliver ( link below):

"McDonalds confirms it's no longer using "pink slime" in it's burgers".

OMG this is disgusting! Pink slime is a product made with beef that is not fit for human consumption, but slated for dog food and other products.  Because the USDA considers this a "process", it allows vendors to not disclose that this garbage is in any product, or how much or what percentage may be contained.

Almost any type of commercially processed ground beef , chili meat, etc. will most likely contain around 15 PERCENT of this product. This allows them to sell it to us unknowingly, and create bigger profits for themselves. They basically take chemically altered garbage ( beef not fit for human consumption, ammonia, and water ) , mix it up and feed it to us, and make an additional 15%!  The chemical kills the germs, bacteria and other toxins, now rendering it "safe" for humans.

Other "safe" chemicals found routinely in our foods:

Propylene Glycol: Very similar to ethylene glycol or anti-freeze.
Carmine: Found in most red food coloring and made from ground up cochineal beetles.
Shellac: Yes the same stuff on your furniture, used a lot for gloss on candy etc.
L-cycsteine: A dough enhancer made from hair, feathers, hooves, and bristles.
Silicon dioxide: Basically sand used as a anti caking agent in shredded cheese and fast food chili etc.

Mmmmm Hmmmm!

Nothing like the good old boys at the U.S.D.A looking out for us! They classify these products as "generally recognized as safe". Generally? What is that supposed to mean?

This is just ONE example, not to forget they use a very similar process with processed chicken products.

Need budget cuts? Cut the fat and BS at the USDA!

Jamie Oliver's video, a MUST WATCH:

"American Me?" the book      Get involved!

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