Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's no wonder we can't get Immigration Reform: Obama's Uncle Held by Immigration.

What is the point here?

We Americans are tired of supporting these illegals,  while they break our laws and while they rape and pillage our system for a never ending supply of freebies! Is it no wonder we can't get any meaningful Immigration Reform?

What is the benefit to our Politicians?

This is a case of most interest. He blew a .14, and is being held by Immigration. Will  they actually prosecute Onyango Obama ? I THINK NOT!

As we all know, if any of us blew a .14 or got caught breaking the law, we would surely be prosecuted. Our politicians create these laws and rules yet never abide by them themselves, and help their family members and  friend avoid them as well.

More in my book "American Me?' chapter:  "Immigration: The Land of the Free or for Free?"

Read the AP article below : "Obama Uncle Held by Immigration"

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Are Big Banks Now Manipulating Our Credit Scores for THEIR Benefit?

This was an interesting article I read this morning and it hit a nerve with me. Make sure and take a look and read some of the comments. It made me realize that I am not the only one who has experienced it.

My credit scores have always been very good., and they still are! Funny thing is that here recently, I was charged a high interest rate because they stated that my credit score was not high enough to qualify for their "best" rate. I didn't even take the time to dispute it or look into it further, I just went with another institution that gave me the rate I deserved.

Just like the guy who stated a car dealership told him his score was almost 100 points less than his recent credit report showed it. He stated that they "manipulate the numbers",  and recommended that you take a copy of your report with you if you intend on applying for credit. He also stated that we should be able to see our credit scores for FREE, anytime we desire. I agree! These credit score companies make millions of dollars selling OUR information, yet we don't have access to it ourselves?

Yes you can get ONE free report per year but as the article states, "you should check your scores frequently". So I guess we need to pay to get our own information, while these companies make money off it and are possibly using incorrect or manipulated information?

The article also states that "your credit score can be a moving target", and minimum scores have been inching up steadily in recent times. "Four out of ten" Americans will not qualify for a home or auto loan currently, and the minimum scores to obtain decent rates are on the rise.

Hmmm,.......wasn't all that bailout money our politicians threw at these big banks supposed to "free up" credit? That's the explanation I remember hearing! Just more of the same old, same old BS. American Big Biz's greed being fed by our infamous government officials at OUR EXPENSE!

More in the book: "American Me?".

Check out the Forbes article below: Another real EYE OPENER!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Running scared Republicans are now CHARGING for Town Hall meetings! Constitutional?

Since when did we have to start paying to ask our elected officials questions? I guess here just recently!

Personally, I believe (and probably most other Americans would agree) that our elected officials WORK FOR US, not the other way around.

We are the ones paying THEIR hefty salaries and golden retirements, health care, etc., and they have the nerve to try and charge us to ask them a question in any format? BS!!! I think that this has to be unconstitutional.

It's bad enough that we have to listen to them bicker like kindergartners and embarrass us around the globe, but this is preposterous.

It is time we Americans put an end to this aristocracy and arrogance. THE TIME IS NOW!

More in the book "American Me?"

Link to the Politico article about Republican candidates charging to ask them a question below:

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sign the Petition to Raise Taxes on the Wealthy and Big Biz

I think this organization CREDO, is doing a GREAT JOB in regard to helping get the bulk of the American public points and wishes across to our DEAF POLITICIANS!

Sign the petition to help raise taxes on the wealthiest of Americans and American Big Biz. It's FREE.

Make your voice and opinion count! Make sure and sign up for future petitions from CREDO Organization. They will email them to you automatically, and if you agree SIGN THE PETITION!

United We Stand, Divided We Fall. Join in the fight to get our country back!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The new Political movie: Flash back to 1929......

That's exactly where our politicians have us headed, whether you believe it or not! Just another act on this vast stage they call politics.

Many financial experts are predicting hyper-inflation, soaring interest rates, and 40- 50 percent unemployment in the next few years. Even God himself, George Soros (Goldman Sachs clone) has predicted a possible "global" depression.

They have been working on this for years, and I believe they have been preparing themselves for it. Preparing by draining every last ounce of blood from this pig wearing lipstick they call the American economy.

The politicians along with the wealthy and Big Biz have been making obscene amounts of money in recent years, in the worst economic climate most of us have ever known. Did they orchestrate it, or possibly know ahead of time?

How did the ultra wealthy "weather the storm" in the Great Depression of 29'. Did they know ahead of time as well?

Sit around and just watch it all unravel, until it's too late. You will only have yourself to blame.

Americans need to unite in a common cause and on common ground. "United We Stand, Divided We Fall", and that is the damned TRUTH!

More in the book "American Me?".

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Earthquake rattles D.C. area. Maybe God is trying to tell our politicians something?

Maybe God is trying to tell them something since the American public can't seem to get through to them, or maybe God is trying to make them listen or see the error of their ways?

I doubt that they will listen or would heed the call because it's obvious to most Americans that they just don't care. They are all to mighty and above it all, in their own minds at least

Deception, Corruption, Deceit, Contempt, Greed, and Lies are a few words that come to mind.

Is this just another sign like the white buffalo "Lightning Medicine Cloud" born in Greenville Texas this year?

More in the book "American Me?", chapter: "Our Politicians dba The Rich and Famous".

Watch the earthquake video rock the Capital below.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Taxes, Taxes, and No New Taxes? Yeah Right!

Watch out average American because just when you thought things couldn't get any worse........

New taxes are scheduled to start in January of 2012 and 2013.

Taxes on your health care coverage, taxes on your retirement accounts , "transaction" tax on your bank accounts..........

Who do you think is going to pay for all this wreck less spending?

All while the wealthy and American Big Biz can't afford" to pay taxes?

It's time we Americans stop this "pedal to the metal"  mentality, unless we just want to continue to pay, pay, pay, to increase THEIR wealth

More in the book : American Me? Chapter; Taxes, Taxes, Taxes.......  JOIN IN and FIGHT BACK!!!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

We Americans can manipulate the market. Oil down, what about gas?

Crude oil is now lower than it has been in quite some time but gas prices aren't. What's the deal? Every time I fill up my car I feel like the gas nozzle hose is being wrapped around my neck while the nozzle is being shoved ............

Big American Oil companies have been making record profits in a time when most of us are just trying to keep our heads above water. OBSCENE PROFITS!

"They" can't afford to pay taxes because it might diminish their HUGE profits. "They" can't afford to create jobs because it might diminish their HUGE profits. Hard to believe that "they" can't afford ANYTHING!

The Canadian government subsidizes the price of gas for it's citizens to keep it's economy more stable. Why  didn't our government spend some of that bailout cash on things that would actually benefit it's citizens?

What will happen when the other huge American monopolies decide their zealous profits aren't high enough?
Our government has been running small farmers and Independents out of business for years. Will they start holding us hostage with food, like they are currently doing with gas?

We Americans need to unite  and organize in a common cause. We could do financial damage to ANY U.S. Corporation or business if we chose to do so UNI FORMALLY! Think if we just boycotted ONE oil company. In a short period of time we could do damage to the sale of their product and stock price!

"United We Stand, Divided We Fall". We are FALLING.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Al Sharpton's "racial profiling" of Rick Perry. Is it ok if you are a minority?

Isn't this the tea kettle calling the coffee pot black?

Al Sharpton took Rick Perry's comment totally out of context and turned it into a racial slur.

Not that I am a big fan of Rick Perry, but come on Al. Really? Are you kidding? What a JOKE!

Funny that it's OK to racial profile and create racism if you are part of the minority. Isn't that discrimination itself?

I dedicated an entire chapter to this in the book "American Me?"/chapter : "Racial Profiling and Discrimination"  Join in the conversation and fight!

Check out the video with good old Al Sharpton's ridiculous accusations below:

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ron Paul "Nailed to the Cross" by our socialist media

This is a perfect example of Big Biz, our current politicians, and controlled media trying to warp our perception and sway our opinion. They have completely dismissed and continue to ignore this man, who's rankings are higher than numerous other candidates they continue to embrace.  Why?

Is it because his "agenda" is not in line with their same old, same old rhetoric and agendas?

Is it because he speaks the truth?

They even dismiss him as the crowds cheer!

I have to admit what he is saying seems much more in line with what the American public is thinking.

Read more about government rhetoric  in the book " American Me?"

Watch the Jon Stewart video in regard to Ron Paul's unfair treatment below:

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Warren Buffett vs Nancy Pelosi

What a parable! A true American vs a Politician!

Mr Buffett has volunteered and believes that America's wealthiest should kick in and pay more personal income taxes to help out America as a whole.

On the other side Nancy Pelosi's personal wealth has increase over 60% in the last year or so.

Since the current recession started just a few years ago: 

Private sector employment has only increased around 1%.

Federal employment has increased around 15%!

Private sector average income is around $61,000.00 a year.

Federal sector average income is around $123,000.00 a year. OVER DOUBLE!

The Transportation Department had only ONE employee making over $170,000.00 a year, they currently have 1650 employees making over that amount .

The Department of Defense had 1868 employees making over $150,000.00 per year, they currently have around 10,100 employees making over that amount!

SIXTEEN PERCENT of the current voters work for the government and will not vote against government budget cuts. Keep in mind with their spouses vote, it's closer THIRTY TWO percent.

I thought we were BROKE? Getting the picture yet? More in my book "American Me?"

Watch the video below from Government Gone Wild.and learn more about our out of control government.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Most Americans want Illegals out of our country and our WALLETS!

I know most Americans are from immigrant descent, except possibly the Native American Indians. Our ancestors came to this country for an opportunity, not a hand out! 
I want to know why we can't even enforce our own laws on these people? Those same laws that the rest of us LEGAL AMERICANS have to abide by. Not "Politically Correct"?

It's no wonder that they feel "entitled" and demonstrate in our streets about what THEY need, what THEY deserve, and what WE OWE THEM! All while breaking the law! Why wouldn't they feel entitled when our government feeds, clothes, and gives them everything they need , including paying for the birth of  their "anchor babies"?

The numbers are STAGGERING!  More in the book "American Me ?"/ Chapter : "America: The Land of the Free or For Free?"

Friday, August 12, 2011

Request American Customer Service and buy American goods

I don't think that most people realize this. Next time you call customer service at your credit card company, bank, health and other insurance, or computer help desk etc., consider doing the following: After you connect and realize the customer service representative is not from the U.S.A ( you can ask if your not sure ), politely request that you want to speak to a customer service representative in the United States of America! The rep might suggest that you speak with one of their managers or supervisors, but once again just say "No thank you, I would like to speak with a representative in the United States of America.

That's the rule and LAW!

There is another movement in progress that all Americans should participate in if they agree with the other 70% that trading privileges with China should be suspended or reduced.

Just look at the bottom of every product you buy for at least thirty days ( or better yet, permanently ), and if it says "Made in China" or "PRC" ( Hong Kong) simply purchase a different brand made in the U.S.A. Very simple!

We cannot expect to continue to live the lifestyle we are accustomed to if we don't support products made in this country first!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

American Me?: Illegals and foreigner's with visa's vs American C...

American Me?: Illegals and foreigner's with visa's vs American C...: "I had an interesting talk with a man today while getting our car's washed. He made a comment which prompted me to make one in return. I stat..."

Illegals and foreigner's with visa's vs American Citizens

I had an interesting talk with a man today while getting our car's washed. He made a comment which prompted me to make one in return. I stated " why is is that they keep throwing legal, hard working, taxpaying citizens in jail for such minor non-violent offenses, yet we can't  even ask foreigner's and illegals for documentation to prove that they are not breaking our laws? His response: "The minute we walk out of the door in the morning, they are just waiting for us to break some law. It's almost impossible not to, it just depends on if and when you get caught! THINK ABOUT IT! Who do you know that's been through this scenario? I bet almost all of us know at least one person in not many. This is big business for the attorney's, the legal system, the prison system, the probation system, etc., etc.,etc.. Just another way to bleed us dry! More in the chapter of my book titled "Politically Correct?".

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

American Me?: Debt Ceiling budget cuts just more smoke and mirro...

American Me?: Debt Ceiling budget cuts just more smoke and mirro...: "And the saga continues...... I read an article yesterday in regard to the proposed budget cuts that compared them to an average American Fam..."

Debt Ceiling budget cuts just more smoke and mirrors. What a JOKE!

And the saga continues...... I read an article yesterday in regard to the proposed budget cuts that compared them to an average American Family. It went something like this: If the average American family with an average American income cut their budget at the same percentage, it would relate to a total ANNUAL budget cut of around $365.00, and would increase their credit card balance to the tune of over $120,000.00. That's right, and you think these idiots are actually doing something? Don't kid yourself!

On another blog I read that Obama is going to be handed another 2 trillion+ dollars and has made it perfectly clear that he will spend every penny of it BEFORE the November 2012 Election. In addition it said that there would be "massive' tax increases effective in January of 2013, which I also I predicted in my book. We are broke and I guarantee these greedy bastards are going to figure out how to bleed Middle Class America and America itself out of every possible penny they can, before we go belly up This is just another attempt for them to try and satisfy their insatiably greed and further their agenda.

We can sit around and complain until it's too late, or we can try and make a difference now, if it's not too late.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Obama speech averts doom and gloom

Just another act in this play they call Politics,  designed to divert the American public's attention on where it should actually be. While he dismisses the downgrade of our Triple A credit and places blame somewhere besides our government itself, he didn't even mention the aftershock and analyst projections of what it may bring. Things like even worse unemployment, even slower economic growth, higher interest rates, the stock market tumble, and the doubt this debacle has cast on The Unites States of America as a whole throughout the world. A White House spokes person actually made the statement yesterday "We don't create jobs"! Isn't that what that 700 trillion bailout was supposed to do, or was it just another money laundering scheme, created to bleed the American taxpayer dry? Ironically, I actually predicted a lot of what is now going on in the book a few years ago! If America doesn't wake up it will be too late, if it already isn't.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Congress drops the bomb, and then goes on extended vacation!

As we all watch the aftermath of our infamous Congress' romper room antics; major stock market decline, unemployment projected to increase further, slowing of the already non existent economic growth further, and faith lost in the United States of America throughout the world. Where are our elected officials? In some far off land, at the beach house, some extravagant cruise, eating caviar and drinking champagne....................  These guys don't even work 4 days a week and they get a 30 day vacation? WHAT A CROCK OF S__T!!!!

Congress drops the bomb, and then goes on extended vacation!

As we all it by and watch the aftermath of our

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The New and "Mysterious" Budget Cuts

Well looks like they got it done but I guess we won't know the cost or affect on us until they decide to publically throw another blow to the American Middle Class, AGAIN!

Let's talk about the damage these idiots we call our politicians have now done with their childish and immature squabbling over the debt ceiling debacle:

They have left the world not only wondering about The United States financial stability, but have now cast serious doubt about our governments' ability to even remotely function effectively.

THEIR actions and THEIR behavior alone already have experts prediciting :

Another stall in our already anemic economic growth. ( If you could actually call it "growth")

An increase and worsening in our already pathetic unemployment situation.

And last , an increase in the already staggering inequity in the shift of wealth in our country, from the Middle Class to the already ultra wealthy.

Even  harder to swallow is the fact that the CAVED on the American Middle Class Taxpayer by refusing to increase taxes ,(or at least tax) the Wealthy and American Big Biz. Once again, they have created an all new nightmare for us poor working stiffs. Read more in the book "American Me"?

Monday, August 1, 2011

American Me?: Is this DRAMA just another manipulation and money ...

American Me?: Is this DRAMA just another manipulation and money ...: "Another 'mini bubble'? Just another scene on this vast stage our government calls 'politics'? By creating a 'rumor' about the U.S. default, ..."

Is this DRAMA just another manipulation and money grab like the BAILOUT?

Another "mini bubble"? Just another scene on this vast stage our government calls "politics"? By creating a "rumor" about the U.S. default, Big Biz, the Wealthy, Politicians, and Wall Street have sent the markets tumbling downward. With prior knowledge, it would be very easy for them to sell values while they were high and the buy them back just days later at the lower values. Once again making MILLIONS, while draining  the American Middle Class of every last dime. Most experts agreed that our government had at least another week if not more before facing default. Think about it! Speak up and Speak out!