Thursday, December 15, 2011

Grandma: Is That An Icicle Hanging Off Your Cheek? A Frozen Tear?

Follow up from my prior blog post: Grandma: Is That You In the Soup Line?

From a Yahoo News Article " Northeast States Cut Heating Aid to the Poor" :

"Mary Power is 92 and worried about surviving another frigid New England winter because deep cuts in federal home heating assistance benefits mean she probably can't afford enough heating oil to stay warm."

Imagine having to make the decision whether to purchase food, medications, or heating your home in the freezing winter? All because our government and politicians don't think the elderly deserve a cost of living increase or help after working most of their lives? Entitlements? What about these wealthy politicians' taxpayer paid entitlements that most of them don't even need?

From an Associated Press article by Hope Yen: "Consensus Shows 1 in 2 People are Poor or Low Income".

"Squeezed by rising living costs, a record number of Americans- nearly 1 in 2- have fallen into poverty or are scraping by on earnings that classify them as low income".

"The reality is that prospects for the poor and the near poor are dismal," "If Congress and the states make further cuts, we can expect the number of poor and low-income families to rise for the next several years."

That is already almost 50% of the American working class. In addition, the real unemployment numbers are around 20-25%, depending on who is calculating them.

From an Associated Press article by Andrew Taylor: "Agreement near on $1 Trillion Spending Bill".

There were minor cuts to many government programs, mainly the EPA, The Pentagon Budget, and foreign aid. Tax breaks for people on Social Security were held hostage in exchange for the continuance of tax breaks for the wealthy. Ironic isn't it?

And: "Drafted behind closed doors, the proposed bill would provide $115 billion for overseas security operations in Afghanistan and Iraq but give the Pentagon just a 1 percent boost in annual spending not directly related to the wars".

Our government and politicians should be ashamed. We have people and families living in our streets. Working Americans who are unable to adequately take care of themselves and their families. Prior taxpayers like the retired elderly and unemployed  living in poverty. 

Yet we continue to spend BILLIONS to take care of , police, and rebuild other countries? Disgraceful!

In the book I predicted over a year ago : "If we continue on the current path, there will be another civil war in this country. Not a war about race and color, but a war between the have's and have not's". 

When a large part of the population can no longer feed and shelter themselves and their families, what choice will they have?

Occupy is a perfect example of this. Can you foresee what may happen as the numbers continue to escalate? Even more important: They obviously ARE.

"American Me?" the book       Get involved     Make a difference

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Kids in a Candy Store or Highway Robbery? Gingrich Gets 1.6M

Just more examples of our out of control government and obscene and blatant greed and thirst for more from "The Rich and Famous", including some of our elected politicians. These examples are from just one sector , the housing crisis and mortgage mess. Imagine the sheer numbers and dollar amounts of other examples and other sectors?

I know this is not necessarily new news, but maybe if we rub the unknowing public's nose in enough of the *hit,  it will make them mad enough to start paying attention! Post another example that you know about from another sector!

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae received approximately 150 BILLION in taxpayer bailout funds, and it is rumored that they are now in need of MORE.

Freddie paid Newt Gingrich approximately 1.6 million to "advise" them on their business model. What he got paid 1.6 million for is as follows ( from The New American, Thomas R Eddlam, 12.01.11):

In an November 9th CNBC presidential debate Gingrich was asked what he did to earn the money. He stated " I said to them at the time, this is a bubble. This is insane. This is impossible." But the Wall Street Journal pointed out that he not only praised the Freddie Mac model prior in a 2007 interview posted on Freddie's website, but stated that " these are results I think conservatives should embrace and want to extend as widely as possible."

In that same 2007 interview he praised Freddie Mac and the whole concept of GSE ( Government Sponsored Enterprise) and stated " I think a GSE for space exploration ought to be seriously considered, I'm convinced that if NASA were a GSE, we would probably be on Mars today."

I think we already know who is on Mars today myself. And we paid Gingrich 1.6M for these juicy tidbits? For talking out of both sides of his mouth like they so often do? I think most of us could have come up with better than that!

I guess more government (GSE) spending on special agenda would also help everyday Americans like the unemployed,  like it has with Freddie and Fannie?

How about those Goldman Sachs big wigs who had a big hand in creating this housing and mortgage mess ? I illustrate in the book how these very same people are now making millions on a mess they created, and made millions on in the first place. They created One West Bank, who is now a large benefactor of the foreclosure crisis. I showed one example where One West made over 100K on ONE foreclosure they only paid approximately 240K for in the first place, all paid for and with taxpayer dollars!

I find it ironic that these politicians consistently condemn more government spending publicly, especially in the name of taxpayer paid for benefits like unemployment and Social Security/ Medicare, yet don't have a problem with it when they have their own hand out, stuffing more in their ever bulging pockets?

Kids in a Candy Store or Highway Robbery? Or BOTH?

American Me? the book     Get INVOLVED

Thursday, December 1, 2011

99% "Majority" vs 1%?: Who Are They? The Real Majority is More Like 59%!

Occupy states: "We represent 99% of the people". Really? How did they come up with that one?

I don't see Occupy as any different than The Tea Party, each just on a different side of the spectrum, each just another "special interest" group. I also don't see either as representing any "majority", except maybe in their own minds?

Realistically I think that they may each possibly have the support of maybe 10 to 20 percent at most, of the legal registered voters in this country. So let's give them both 20% and add the "other" 1% for a total of 41%.

That leaves a WHOPPING 59%, which is actually the "MAJORITY" in this country. So who is the 59%? In my opinion it is the working middle class taxpayer. It is YOU and I.

This 59% are the ones who need to start paying attention.
This 59% are the ones who can make a change.
This 59% are the ones who can make a difference.
This 59% are the ones who can come together in a common cause.
This 59% are the ones who can some together on common ground.
This 59% are the ones who can come up with a specific agenda.
This 59% are the ones who can lobby their elected representatives.
This 59% are the ones who can be taken seriously.
This 59% are the ones who can be heard.
This 59% are the ones who can make a real difference.
This 59% are the ones who can have the power needed for real change.

When I talk with most people about the state of affairs in our country it most always seems we come to agreement on major issues and what needs to be addressed, like Political Reform, Big Biz Regulation, Immigration Reform, Budget Cuts, etc. regardless of party.

So why aren't we in the news? Why aren't we trying to make a difference? Why isn't it the 59% vs the 41%?Doesn't that sound more realistic? Especially when these issues will most likely affect we the "majority" the most?

This 59% is not going to riot in the streets.
This 59% is not going to camp out at city hall.
This 59% is not going to represent the ultra wealthy and Big Biz.
This 59% is not going to represent special interest.
This 59% is not going to represent a minority.
This 59% is not going to make fools of themselves.

I created "The Wish List" specifically for the purpose so that the 59% can come together and create a realistic agenda that the 59% can accomplish. I hope you will take the 5 minutes or so to create your own list, add or delete from "The Wish List", or just agree or disagree with it and lobby your representatives with the final list. Stop complaining and do something. "The Wish List" link is below. It's simple. Take the time to make a difference 59%!

      American Me? the book       Get involved.      Make a difference.