Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Immigration: Obama's Illegal Aunt Feels "Entitled".

I think most "Americans" are in favor of immigration reform, and I talk about it in depth in the book/ chapter: "Immigration, the Land of the Free for for Free"?

This video of President Obama's Aunt is a perfect example of these illegals feelings of entitlement. Even worse, she's our presidents Aunt who is on social assistance! I also talked about the Presidents Uncle Omar in a previous blog, another illegal recently charged with DUI who is also in our country illegally and will most likely not face prosecution or deportation. Watch the video below in disgust! :

The cost for these illegals to the "American" taxpayer is STAGGERING! We need Immigration reform NOW!

                    More in the book " American Me?" 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Capitalism and Democracy are NOT Synonomous

Seems many of our politicians use these terms synonymously and freely. Great "buzz" words for a campaign I guess, along with "free enterprise", "the majority", and our "Constitution".

First let me state that there is NO mention of "capitalism" in our constitution. Matter of fact, our current form of capitalism may actually be in direct opposition and violation of it!

The definition of "capitalism" from Merriam Websters online:

"an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market".

Some of the definitions of "Democracy" from Merriam Websters online: 

"a government by the people; especially: rule of the majority

"a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections".

"the common people especially when constituting the source of political authority"

" the absence of  hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges"

Now lets take the two and get an explanation from Wikipedia:

"Democratic Capitalism":  " also known as capitalist democracy, is a political,economic, and social system and ideology based on a tripartite arrangement of a market based economy based predominately on a democratic polity, economic incentives through free markets, fiscal responsibility and a liberal moral-cultural system which encourages pluralism"

This economic system supports a capitalist free market economy subject to control by a democratic political system that is supported by the majority. It stands in contrast to authoritarian capitalism by limiting the influence of special interest groups, including corporate lobbyists, on politics".

"The Unites States is often seen as having a democratic capitalism as it's political-economic system although some argue it has become more authoritarian in recent decades".

Although capitalism worked well for our country for decades, I believe this "shift" from democratic to authoritarian is EXACTLY whats wrong with our current economic system.  I tend to use the word "elitist", but "authoritarian" will do just fine and they do seem synonymous! Let's also throw in "trickle down economics" for grins.

I just wanted to clear that up. So next time you hear our current politicians talking about "capitalism and democracy", ask if they are referring to "democratic capitalism" or "authoritarian capitalism".  I think most of us in the already know the answer!

     More in the book "American Me?"

Friday, October 21, 2011

1.1 BILLION Taxpayer Dollars for Qaddafi? 500 BILLION for Afghanistan War So Far?

Yes, the estimated cost to the American taxpayer for Muammar el-Qaddafi's Head: 1.1 BILLION!
That's not even the final total and the 1.1 BILLION does not include The State Department, CIA, and other American agencies involved, or costs to NATO.

Vice President Joe Biden stated "The US spent 2 BILLION total and didn't lose a singe life". And Obama stated " We achieved our objectives and our NATO mission will soon come to an end". YEAH RIGHT!

The Congressional Research Services estimate the Afghanistan war has cost 500 BILLION so far, and with Iraq the figure easily tops 1 TRILLION!

In another article:  "One in three veterans of the post-911 military believes the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were not worth fighting, and a MAJORITY think after 10 years of combat America should be focusing less on foreign affairs and more on it's own problems, according to an opinion poll released Wednesday". From Associated Press/ Robert Burns 10.05.11

Chump change I guess? Especially when we can't afford to rebuild our own country and infrastructure to create jobs for Americans? Can't afford anything for American taxpayers because we are BROKE? BS!

I stated numerous times in the book and will reiterate: "WE have plenty of money, it's just how THEY decide to spend it".

I know I have stated this line of thought numerous times and I FIRMLY BELIEVE, "We need to take care of our own first, then worry about the rest of the freakin' world. Unless of course our own National Security is at stake. So what about securing our borders for starts?

What does the majority think? Is it in line with my and our Veterans thoughts? Why don't our elected officials and government listen? As I stated  in the song "Their agenda is not what it seems".

Stand up and fight back. It's OUR MONEY and THEY should spend it as WE see fit!  Democracy? BS

                             American Me? the book  

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Are You Part of the Problem, or the Solution?

When I talk with a majority of people about my book and politics in general, there seems to be a commonality in most of those conversations . That is as long as that person is not too far to the right or too far to the left.

It seems to me that a majority of  everyday "Americans" are pretty much in agreement in what we and our country needs, and our current problems in regard to our Government, Big Biz, and Politicians.

Are you in favor of unity and what's best for the majority, regardless of what that majority may be? Are you in favor for what's best for our country and society as a whole?

Are you one who only cares about his or her self and agenda, or one who is selfish, self serving, close minded, and uncaring about our country as a WHOLE? Are you an island?

We want fairness. We want an opportunity for a decent wage, and a decent life. We want affordable health care. We want some type of security and faith in our system. We want to be rewarded for hard work and a job well done.

We want a shot at the "American Dream".

I think that "We" is the majority of Americans.

I think that majority needs to come together on common ground and in a common cause. That's how WE will WIN!

How have we let the tables be turned against us? How have things become so slanted against us? How can they continue to "bite the hand that feeds"?

We need a LEADER that will UNITE US and fight for US. We don't need another bought and paid for "politician"campaigning for themselves, the wealthy, Big Biz, and the status quo.

Will that leader be revealed to us before it's too late?

                           "American Me?" the book

Friday, October 14, 2011

Our Constitution: Freedom of Speech and the Right to Protest

"A government for the people and by the people".

Our current government is the farthest thing from "A government for the people and by the people", and I'm not sure I would even call it a "Democracy". I would call it more a "government for the government and by Big Business".

How can some of our elitists politicians and candidates tout and campaign "We need to get back to our Constitution" when in reality that's probably the last thing they want, unless it suits THEIR needs and agenda?

They continue to campaign on that ideology, yet continue to slam and try to discredit and diffuse the Occupy movement. They also are ADAMANT in their efforts to make sure and keep the current status quo. 

Maybe we "Americans" should take real notice and open our eyes and minds a little wider.

Their "agenda" is not what it seems, just more hypocrisy and lip service.

          Wake up America, before it's too late! Educate yourself!

               American Me? the book

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Are "They" Afraid of the Occupy Movement? More Hypocrisy

While the right wing bashes and slams the Occupy Movement, they continue to tout their campaign agenda that we need to get back to the Constitution of The United States of America. What about free speech and our right to protest? Isn't that a major point and of utmost importance in regard to our Constitution?
I guess it is as long as THEY agree with it. Just another example of their spewing sensationalism and talking out of both sides of their mouths. HYPOCRITES!

We can send a strong message to them and American Big Biz very simply and with ease. Take the 10 biggest American Corporations in 10 different business categories and boycott their goods and services uniformly. When they see their customer base and revenue diminish, they will realize who really has the power here, and it's not them!

Obviously getting back to the Constitution is NOT what they want, unless it furthers THEIR agenda and control. Keep in mind that DEMOCRACY and CAPITALISM are two different entities, not one in the same.

No more controlling us. No more keeping us down. No more lip service.

The MAJORITY is supposed to rule in a DEMOCRACY, not the other way around. Don't listen to more HYPOCRISY from these idiots. Get them out!

         American Me? the book  

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Socialist?, Marxist?, Elitists?, Communists? What are we becoming here?

The far right is consistently calling the left "Socialists" and "Marxist". Is it because the left tries to include the entire spectrum of American Citizens in it's campaigns and proposals?

Since when was it "Socialist" to care about the poor and less fortunate? Since when was it "Socialist" to care about one another, even if we come from different back grounds, beliefs, lifestyles, and status?

Isn't that un-American? Isn't that what makes America the great country that is is? Freedom? Freedom to be who you are and what you believe in, regardless if other people disagree and you do them no harm?

I grow weary of the far right wingers attitude toward a large populous of this great country of ours. It seems the only people they care about are themselves, and anyone who is similar to them. It seems they are Elitists who only care about keeping the status quo and their bulging bank accounts. Are these "Elitists" actually bordering on Communism, and attempting to create an "Aryan" nation composed of only themselves?

I continue to hear resonance of the underlying tones of the far right party in disgust. "Let them die", "Poor people need to work harder",  "Forget the people who don't have insurance", "Forget our soldiers risking their lives for our country if they are "gay"",  forget anyone and everyone that does not agree with us and our selfish train of thought. Sounds kind of Communist to me, how about you?  It is surely UN-AMERICAN!

In a DEMOCRACY, the MAJORITY is supposed to rule, regardless of who that majority is!

American Me? the book.                    FIGHT BACK, GET INVOLVED

Friday, October 7, 2011


American Me? The Song 

This game they play it works so well
It’s just a menagerie
If we don’t unite to stop them
It will only further those
We feed

American Me, I want it back
They don’t seem to see
American Me, I want it back
The way it used to be

Big business and government
Their power is way too steep
These greedy puppets are the ones
Who want to take it all
From me

American Me, I want it back
They don’t seem to see
American Me, I want it back
You don’t like it
You can leave

The rich and the famous
Makin way too much with ease
I guess us poor workin’ stiffs
Are just slaves
On our knees

American Me, I want it back
They don’t seem to see
American Me, I want it back
Our country should be free

They want to take our money
For the sake of going "green"
Another bubble of deception
They are nothing more
Than obscene

American Me, I want it back
They don’t seem to see
American Me, I want it back
Your agenda’s not what it seems

The haves and the have not’s
A civil war I can see
Not a war of race or color
But a war
For what we need

American Me, I want it back
They don’t seem to see
American Me, I want it back
It’s my country, I deserve to be free

This vast stage they call politics
It’s just another movie scene
In this struggle for control
What we need now
Is unity .......


American Me? the book.

Monday, October 3, 2011

It's Time to Ditch Your Debit Card!

I know many many people use their debit cards instead of cash or credit cards, and so does YOUR BANK!

In an attempt to further increase THEIR profits using YOUR money, they are now "testing" and implementing numerous additional charges for YOU to pay to access your own money.

Bank of America has already announced it's new $5.00 per month charge to use it's debit cards. Wells Fargo, SunTrust, and Chase have already eliminated debit rewards programs, and Chase, PNC, and TD Bank are already "testing" ATM fees as high as $5.00 a pop in some markets.

What is the alternative? TRY CASH! Or if you prefer the convenience of a card, use a credit card and pay off your balance every month to avoid interest and fees. In addition to convenience, most credit cards still offer "cash back" or "reward" programs. I like to use a credit card for daily expenses so that I don't have to keep up with every little transaction. I get an itemized statement and pay it every month. Much easier than keeping up with every time you use a debit.

In addition, credit cards offer much better protection than debit cards in the event of loss or theft. You are limited to minimal loss on a credit card, yet you can risk losing everything in your checking account if you don't report the loss or theft before a debit card is used.

Wonder why banks like people using their debit cards so much? Now you know. Fight back, just say NO!

American Me? the book