Thursday, December 1, 2011

99% "Majority" vs 1%?: Who Are They? The Real Majority is More Like 59%!

Occupy states: "We represent 99% of the people". Really? How did they come up with that one?

I don't see Occupy as any different than The Tea Party, each just on a different side of the spectrum, each just another "special interest" group. I also don't see either as representing any "majority", except maybe in their own minds?

Realistically I think that they may each possibly have the support of maybe 10 to 20 percent at most, of the legal registered voters in this country. So let's give them both 20% and add the "other" 1% for a total of 41%.

That leaves a WHOPPING 59%, which is actually the "MAJORITY" in this country. So who is the 59%? In my opinion it is the working middle class taxpayer. It is YOU and I.

This 59% are the ones who need to start paying attention.
This 59% are the ones who can make a change.
This 59% are the ones who can make a difference.
This 59% are the ones who can come together in a common cause.
This 59% are the ones who can some together on common ground.
This 59% are the ones who can come up with a specific agenda.
This 59% are the ones who can lobby their elected representatives.
This 59% are the ones who can be taken seriously.
This 59% are the ones who can be heard.
This 59% are the ones who can make a real difference.
This 59% are the ones who can have the power needed for real change.

When I talk with most people about the state of affairs in our country it most always seems we come to agreement on major issues and what needs to be addressed, like Political Reform, Big Biz Regulation, Immigration Reform, Budget Cuts, etc. regardless of party.

So why aren't we in the news? Why aren't we trying to make a difference? Why isn't it the 59% vs the 41%?Doesn't that sound more realistic? Especially when these issues will most likely affect we the "majority" the most?

This 59% is not going to riot in the streets.
This 59% is not going to camp out at city hall.
This 59% is not going to represent the ultra wealthy and Big Biz.
This 59% is not going to represent special interest.
This 59% is not going to represent a minority.
This 59% is not going to make fools of themselves.

I created "The Wish List" specifically for the purpose so that the 59% can come together and create a realistic agenda that the 59% can accomplish. I hope you will take the 5 minutes or so to create your own list, add or delete from "The Wish List", or just agree or disagree with it and lobby your representatives with the final list. Stop complaining and do something. "The Wish List" link is below. It's simple. Take the time to make a difference 59%!

      American Me? the book       Get involved.      Make a difference.

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