Monday, July 11, 2011

Is the "American" Middle Class becoming the new class of SLAVES, or are we already there?

Here we go again. Our infamous government in it's attempt to pay for it's own out of control spending on it's own agena, all at the American Middle Class' expense? The wealthy and Big Biz already pay a disproportionate (if any) of the tax burden in this country, yet now control and earn a historically high and disproportionate amount of the wealth. Since they are making so much money while the middle class is starving, why shouldn't they bear at least the same amount of tax burden, if not more? The American Middle Class' income has not even kept up with inflation over the last few decades. It is a fact that the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer! Let's also keep in mind that these are the same people that got us in this mess and kicked our great country to it's knees in the first place, all in the name of GREED. Now the Repulicans want to cut OUR benefit programs that WE PAID FOR while maintaining the status quo for Big Biz and the wealthy? Read more details and facts in the chapter titled "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" from my book " American Me?"

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