Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rick Perry: Mc Donalds Anyone? For a job that is!!!

Maybe some iced "Tea" as well?

I am a Texan living in Texas and like a lot of Texans, we know all too well Mr. Perry's rhetoric. The scary thing is that he is gaining in the Republican Party for their Presidential nomination. Why wouldn't he though, considering who his closest Republican opponent is? EVEN MORE SCARY!!! The lesser of two evils again?

Rick Perry has the audacity and gall to talk about and campaign on his prior performance? Get a grip! Here are the facts:

The majority of the "jobs" created in Texas are minimum wage or low paying jobs.
Perry consistently caters to Big Biz and his elitist cronies like most Republicans.
Texas has the highest numbers in the nation of uninsured residents.
Texas has the highest number of High School drop outs.
Texas has also had the highest percentage of it's residents living in poverty (since 1980) than the overall U.S. average.

Perry has also stated repeatedly that he is against "Big Government", yet has no problem in requesting and even trying to demand help from the Fed when he sees fit.

Most of us Texans with half a brain don't believe any of his BS, and I hope you don't either. Unless of course you are among the ranks of Big Biz and the wealthy.

More in my book: "American Me?"

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