Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Government $16.00 Cupcake and $8.00 Coffee Anyone?

"THEY" just don't get it! BOTH PARTIES!

I'm sure you have all heard a story similar to this one because I'm also sure there have been THOUSANDS!

Cut this, Cut that, our politicians need to CUT, CUT, CUT.

Cut their own benefits? NO!

Cut budgets for their own agendas? NO!

Cut spending on programs that benefit them? NO!

Cut (or better yet eliminate) spending on Illegals benefits/programs? NO

Cut spending on programs that benefit the taxpayers/citizens? YES!

Could you please pass me one of those $16.00 cupcakes and an $8.00 coffee while we discuss it ? YES!

Read the article below. The DOJ  did just that (250 cupcakes @ $16.00 to be exact) for a legal conference in Washington. The DOJ spent 121 MILLION on "conferences" in fiscal 2008 and 2009,  "which exceeded it's own spending limits"! I'm sure this is "common practice" among most all of the taxpayer funded Government "meetings" and "functions" and is done on a regular basis.

Read more:       "American Me?" the book. 

$16 muffins, $8 coffee served in Justice audit.

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