Monday, September 26, 2011

Far Right Wingers: Your "Boy" Ronnie Aint No Saint!

This post in in reference to a converasation I had with one of those so far to one side they can't see the forest for the trees. It's point is that most people ( regardless of party), can find fault and blame on either party if they choose to do so.

It's not one party it's both, it's our dysfuncional and corrupt government bought and paid for by lobbyist, Big Biz, and the ultra wealthy. Fighting it out amongst ourselves with more seperation and division will only continue to feed the fire these politicians love to see rage. My opinion is: generallythey are all one in the same.

I never said Obama's policies were "better" so don't start putting words in my mouth. As far as trickle down econ goes, the numbers support my opinion, and are supported by numerous other articles that state the same.

The shift of money and wealth continues, and the class distinctions grow ever wider.

I am going to beat this dead horse one more time: Do you really think that someone could not create the same argument against the conservative party?

Your 'Boy" (and most conservatives) "Boy" Ronnie, cut taxes originally, then raised taxes 11 times while in office, expanded government considerably, and brought the good old Wall Street Goldman Sachs thugs into our government's inner circle and policy.....bringing major implementations of the current stock market shell game ( that benefits who?)

He also INCREASED THE NATIONAL DEBT from 700 billion to 3 TRILLION!

He also signed the LARGEST CORPORATE TAX increase in history.

He also raised the gas tax.

Sounds like a freakin hero to me!

Quoted from the article " Ronald Reagan Myth Doesn't Square With Reality" from CBS News Political Hotsheet, 2.12.2011. by Brian Montopoli:

"Exactly the sort of policy prescriptions so widely condemned by todays
Reagan reverent conservatives", "As the right has enshrined Reagan as it's Patron Saint"

A lot of people have not forgotten the past, I think many of you hard right wingers are proving yourself as hypocrites. Especially when you continue to believe your own rhetoric. Those are FACTS for YOUR BOY RONNIE! 

From: Ten Things Conservatives Don't Want You to Know About Ronald Reagan", Alex Seitz-Wald, Think Progress, 2.05.2011

"Reagan fought a proxy war with the Soviet Union by training, arming, equipping , and funding Islamist Mujahidin fighters in Afghanistan. The Taliban and Osama Bib Laden (who was a prominent Mijahidin commander) emerged from these groups REAGAN HELPED CREATE".

Unemployment soared 10.8 %

Granted amnesty to 3 million undocumented illegal immigrants.

Illegally funneled weapons to Iran.........blah blah blah blah blah blah
When are people going to realize the problem is not ONE PARTY or THE OTHER?

"American Me?" the book.    

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