Friday, September 30, 2011

One More Reason We Need Immigration Reform NOW!

Anchor babies we pay for, welfare we pay for, medical services we pay for...............

That doesn't even take into account the crimes against us they commit and the cost of their incarceration.

"Small-town crash sparks calls for illegal immigration crackdown in Mass". Liz Goodwin/ The Lookout/ today 9.29.11. "Ecuadoran Nicholas Guaman was charged with vehicular homicide for allegedly running down 23-year-old motorcyclist"  Link to article:

This also happened right here in Austin not very long ago as well. It happened to a married man with a family, a consultant from Tennessee who left the airport and was hit by an illegal drunk driver before he ever made it to his hotel room a few miles away.

While fleeing from police, Jaime Bonilla Alvarado ran a red light and hit Robert Benn in his rental car, resulting in his death. He had a 2.0 blood alcohol level which is almost 2.5 times the legal limit. It was later publicized that Alvarado had been convicted of THREE prior DUI's. He now faces life in prison, at OUR EXPENSE!

The numbers these illegals cost the American taxpayer are STAGGERING! Why don't our elected officials do something about it? Why don't they fulfill the wishes of the majority of the American taxpayers?

More in the book "American Me?"


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We Need a REAL American for President, Not Another Elitist

Bought and paid for, signed, sealed, delivered. That is what it seems our current politicians and government are all about.

Have they forgotten, or did they ever know what the average Americans life is all about? What struggles, trials, and tribulations the majority of Americans are going through?

When a majority of them are millionaires and don't even need their 200K public servant salary, how can they even begin to relate? If they are millionaires why even bother? Unless of course they got that way by being in public office.

When I talk with other legal and taxpaying Americans, it seems we are all on the same page. So why is it so complicated? I think our politicians make it that way intentionally. Keep them divided and powerless. We need a candidate that will unite us in a common cause for the good of the whole. We need a real LEADER!

We need to DEMAND that our elected  officials abide by our wishes and desires or demand they be taken out of office. WE do outnumber THEM, and we can start on a state  representative level. It's not about one party or the other, it's about US.

More in my book: "American Me?"

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why do buget cuts only include taxpayer related benefits?

Well, I guess we are not shutting down America again, at least not until November 18th.

I think most Americans know that they need to live within their means. I also think that most are in agreement that our government needs to do the same.

But at what cost and to who? It seems the far right wingers always look to cuts from programs that benefit the taxpayers like Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, Unemployment, and other "public" benefits.

In my book I make the statement and go into detail that our government has plenty of money, it's just how they choose to spend it.

I could think of numerous things to cut out of our budget to diminish and eliminate the deficit, and I'm sure many many Americans could as well. I just don't understand why our elected officials can't or won't? Possibly too much personal and political agenda?

At least they did give FEMA some additional funds, although not what was originally intended. I guess disaster struck Americans are less important to our politicians than "pork" and their cronies.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Far Right Wingers: Your "Boy" Ronnie Aint No Saint!

This post in in reference to a converasation I had with one of those so far to one side they can't see the forest for the trees. It's point is that most people ( regardless of party), can find fault and blame on either party if they choose to do so.

It's not one party it's both, it's our dysfuncional and corrupt government bought and paid for by lobbyist, Big Biz, and the ultra wealthy. Fighting it out amongst ourselves with more seperation and division will only continue to feed the fire these politicians love to see rage. My opinion is: generallythey are all one in the same.

I never said Obama's policies were "better" so don't start putting words in my mouth. As far as trickle down econ goes, the numbers support my opinion, and are supported by numerous other articles that state the same.

The shift of money and wealth continues, and the class distinctions grow ever wider.

I am going to beat this dead horse one more time: Do you really think that someone could not create the same argument against the conservative party?

Your 'Boy" (and most conservatives) "Boy" Ronnie, cut taxes originally, then raised taxes 11 times while in office, expanded government considerably, and brought the good old Wall Street Goldman Sachs thugs into our government's inner circle and policy.....bringing major implementations of the current stock market shell game ( that benefits who?)

He also INCREASED THE NATIONAL DEBT from 700 billion to 3 TRILLION!

He also signed the LARGEST CORPORATE TAX increase in history.

He also raised the gas tax.

Sounds like a freakin hero to me!

Quoted from the article " Ronald Reagan Myth Doesn't Square With Reality" from CBS News Political Hotsheet, 2.12.2011. by Brian Montopoli:

"Exactly the sort of policy prescriptions so widely condemned by todays
Reagan reverent conservatives", "As the right has enshrined Reagan as it's Patron Saint"

A lot of people have not forgotten the past, I think many of you hard right wingers are proving yourself as hypocrites. Especially when you continue to believe your own rhetoric. Those are FACTS for YOUR BOY RONNIE! 

From: Ten Things Conservatives Don't Want You to Know About Ronald Reagan", Alex Seitz-Wald, Think Progress, 2.05.2011

"Reagan fought a proxy war with the Soviet Union by training, arming, equipping , and funding Islamist Mujahidin fighters in Afghanistan. The Taliban and Osama Bib Laden (who was a prominent Mijahidin commander) emerged from these groups REAGAN HELPED CREATE".

Unemployment soared 10.8 %

Granted amnesty to 3 million undocumented illegal immigrants.

Illegally funneled weapons to Iran.........blah blah blah blah blah blah
When are people going to realize the problem is not ONE PARTY or THE OTHER?

"American Me?" the book.    

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Government $16.00 Cupcake and $8.00 Coffee Anyone?

"THEY" just don't get it! BOTH PARTIES!

I'm sure you have all heard a story similar to this one because I'm also sure there have been THOUSANDS!

Cut this, Cut that, our politicians need to CUT, CUT, CUT.

Cut their own benefits? NO!

Cut budgets for their own agendas? NO!

Cut spending on programs that benefit them? NO!

Cut (or better yet eliminate) spending on Illegals benefits/programs? NO

Cut spending on programs that benefit the taxpayers/citizens? YES!

Could you please pass me one of those $16.00 cupcakes and an $8.00 coffee while we discuss it ? YES!

Read the article below. The DOJ  did just that (250 cupcakes @ $16.00 to be exact) for a legal conference in Washington. The DOJ spent 121 MILLION on "conferences" in fiscal 2008 and 2009,  "which exceeded it's own spending limits"! I'm sure this is "common practice" among most all of the taxpayer funded Government "meetings" and "functions" and is done on a regular basis.

Read more:       "American Me?" the book. 

$16 muffins, $8 coffee served in Justice audit.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Clinton: "The American Dream has been under assault for 30 years".

I have to agree.

I wrote about this very topic in my book "American Me?"/Chapter: "The American Dream, is it Really a Nightmare?"

Although some of my opinions on how and why may differ, the story line is the same and does parallel  the same line of thought.

We cannot continue to let our politicians take away what we have worked for, and what our forefathers fought and sometimes died for.

"American Me?" the book.

Watch Clinton's video below. The fact that he even said it gives it merit and reinforcement.

Monday, September 19, 2011

INSANITY: Repeating the same actions and expecting a different result.

Insanity? Yes I believe so.

When you look at our political history for the past few decades and then our current politicians ( both parties), do you start to see the insanity in it all? Some sort of repetitive pattern?

Our current politicians are corrupt, divided, and dysfunctional at best.

We need change in our country, real change.

We need a LEADER, that can put aside party differences and lead us forward, up and out of this mess.

We need someone with a real vision that reflects the majority of America's LEGAL CITIZENS wishes and hopes, not their own agendas and greed.

No more rhetoric, pointing fingers, blame, and business as usual.

More of the same will only create more of the same, and we Americans don't have time for that. Time has run out..

WE the PEOPLE. need to vote out the majority of incumbents and start anew, with a fresh and visionary direction and administration that will reflect and work to carry out OUR wishes. NO MORE BS!

"American Me?" the book.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I predicted and talk about this in my book: "American Me?". Bloomburg article

I believe the riots or "Civil War" as I called it in my book, are just around the corner if things don't change for the better soon.

I also talk quite a bit about this "blame game" some of our politicians are trying so hard to sensationalize for their own benefit. I hope most Americans aren't that forgetful, because ALL the administrations in the last decade or two had a hand in this horrific mess, regardless of party.

Read the article below and contemplate. This is where we are headed if we don't get our government under control, and get our country back. We need REAL CHANGE, not more of the same!

"American Me?" the book; public release 11.08.11.

Newsmax article: "Bloomberg: Economy Woes Will Lead to Riots" below.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Now CAIR and the ACLU are fighting uniform enforcement of our own laws?

Just another example of what's wrong with our country!

I don't think any American would agree to having Sharia law taken into account for ANY reason in OUR country, including a group of Muslim Americans!

What is wrong with these special interest groups? Do they really have nothing better to do with their time?


"American Me?" the book.

Read more in the Blaze article below:

Monday, September 12, 2011

Immigration Reform: Obama's family gets amnesty. Are you for or against?

This is a follow up to an earlier post: "No wonder we can't get immigration reform: Obama's Uncle held by immigration"; link below:
I guess I got my original question answered. In a statement issued by Rep Steve King he suggests: "drunken Uncle Omar Obama could be the first beneficiary of the president's new Executive Amnesty for Illegal Aliens program".

Rep King is now requesting a congressional investigation into the matter. Good for you Mr. King, I am glad that someone shares the views of the people they are supposed to serve and represent!

Uncle Omar was arrested for DWI in Massachusetts recently after registering almost twice the legal limit for blood alcohol content in that state.

He was then turned over to Immigration and held because of a 1992 deportation order. He has been supposedly adjudicated twice before for deportation, making this the third time. Immigration and Customs Officials "just released him" again.

"The special privileges for the president's family who are illegal immigrants, this is the second one", King continued in his statement. "His 'Aunt Zeituni' was also picked up as an illegal immigrant and finally granted an asylum by ICE, by the Department of Homeland Security". (She had her deportation order overturned). King also stated: "We must enforce our immigration laws, and we must enforce those immigration laws equally across all society".

I would agree that ALL our laws should be enforced equally across society but find it unlikely that is the case. I wonder if Rep King would have this same stance if it was one of HIS relatives who broke our laws? In general, I think that they and their families are ALL above the law, regardless of the crime.

More in the book: "American Me?"


Friday, September 9, 2011

Great Speech Prez Obama: In a democracy the majority is supposed to rule

Like it or not: In a democracy, the majority is supposed to rule.

I was impressed with Obama's speech. I think he relayed the wishes and hopes of the majority of Americans, excluding Big Biz, the wealthy, and a whole lot of Republican politicians.

He stated that we needed a unified government to get us out of this mess and he is correct.

He stated that a number of the things he proposes have been done in the past by Democrats and Republicans alike, and he is correct!

Most of our National Parks and a lot of our infrastructure were created after the World Wars, to insure Americans and American Soldiers had jobs after the wars. Just one example but it worked then and it will work now!

Think about how much these type things have enriched the lives of ALL Americans, and think about your life without them.

I was disgusted by the Republicans outlandish and disrespectful behavior again. It reminded me of "eye rolls" teenage girls are so adept at! GEEZ!

Let's just see if he can actually get it done for all our good and screw the Republicans that just want to keep everything status quo.

Trickle down economics have never worked for anyone but the people at the top!

Read more in my book: "American Me?"

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Rick Perry: Mc Donalds Anyone? For a job that is!!!

Maybe some iced "Tea" as well?

I am a Texan living in Texas and like a lot of Texans, we know all too well Mr. Perry's rhetoric. The scary thing is that he is gaining in the Republican Party for their Presidential nomination. Why wouldn't he though, considering who his closest Republican opponent is? EVEN MORE SCARY!!! The lesser of two evils again?

Rick Perry has the audacity and gall to talk about and campaign on his prior performance? Get a grip! Here are the facts:

The majority of the "jobs" created in Texas are minimum wage or low paying jobs.
Perry consistently caters to Big Biz and his elitist cronies like most Republicans.
Texas has the highest numbers in the nation of uninsured residents.
Texas has the highest number of High School drop outs.
Texas has also had the highest percentage of it's residents living in poverty (since 1980) than the overall U.S. average.

Perry has also stated repeatedly that he is against "Big Government", yet has no problem in requesting and even trying to demand help from the Fed when he sees fit.

Most of us Texans with half a brain don't believe any of his BS, and I hope you don't either. Unless of course you are among the ranks of Big Biz and the wealthy.

More in my book: "American Me?"

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

More Childish Pranks: Republicans create more dissention and seperation.

Republicans not attending the Presidential speech? Another episode of Romper Room?

I have NEVER voted Democrat but I've got to say I am seriously thinking about it now.  In a time when we need unity and faith in our government, the Republicans continue to create more dissension and separation.

Keep in mind that these are the ones who handed off the oars to a sinking ship just a few years ago, after being in office for multiple terms. I find it extremely annoying and distasteful that they are actually pointing fingers now, and take no responsibility for our current situation whatsoever.

All while they continue to toot their own horns and ignore everyone else, except Big Biz and their own wealthy aristocratic cronies. This is appalling at best. We will never get anywhere with this attitude, especially within our own government. It is a disgrace to America and the American people.

I think ALL INCUMBENTS need to be voted OUT! No retirement, no golden parachute, NOTHING. Wipe the slate clean! Let these idiots start living the life THEY have created for US!

More in my book: American Me?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Is the "Tea Party" partying a little too much?

It's all about votes and getting elected, not doing what's right for our country!

Now Mitt Romney is warming up to the Tea Party? He is "courting them" more because polls show he is being hurt by lack of support in that movement.  I wonder why the change if heart? Is it because he is an *ss who regulary shows his discontent for the American Public's wishes, and his love for American Big Biz? You know that Big Biz "are people too"!???

Has he changed his mind now because he isn't gaining much support anywhere else? I quote "If you don't agree with me then vote for somebody else"! Does he even care what the majority thinks, since the electoral vote is what decides the Presidential election anyway?

How about Gov Rick Perry? He has been so "anti- Big Government" in his campaign outlook and prior decisions. A perfect example was his insistance to refuse "Big Government" bailout funds to help un-employed Texans because there were "strings attached", although he did take some for other reasons. Guess he just couldn't resist?

In addition Perry's stance has also been non- commital and almost non-existent in regard to immigration reform, which is costing Texas taxpayers millions annually.

He has asked Big Government for around 350 million recently, to help with the cost of incarcerated illegals in Texas.  In addition, he is now begging Big Government AGAIN, to help him with the states wildfires crisis and damages!

Seems like these guys are a little confused? Partying a little too much? Or just talking out of both sides of thier mouths, AGAIN?

Friday, September 2, 2011

Chit Chat with Nancy Pelosi video skit. LOL!!!

Nothing wrong with having a little fun but really folks, IT'S TIME TO GET SERIOUS ABOUT OUR GOVERNMENT!

Click on the link below to watch the skit and check in next week to see "Chit Chat with Mitt Romney". LOL

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Republicans call Obama "Tar Baby" and "Your Boy"

As though Al Sharpton isn't good enough at creating more dissent and division with the American public, I guess the Republicans have now jumped on that bandwagon! More mud slinging by scumbag politicians?

Whether or not you are in support of Obama, isn't this just more childish and immature crap? These imbeciles are supposed to be setting an example, and even more so following the law that they write.

"Can't we all just get along?"

Just more rhetoric designed to keep Americans divided and powerless. If we can't unite and get control of these puppets in an attempt to get our country back, we might as well just throw in the towel and shut the f*** up!

More in the book "American Me?"  /chapter: "Racial Profiling and Discrimination".

Read more in the Christian Science Monitor article below: