Sunday, October 9, 2011

Socialist?, Marxist?, Elitists?, Communists? What are we becoming here?

The far right is consistently calling the left "Socialists" and "Marxist". Is it because the left tries to include the entire spectrum of American Citizens in it's campaigns and proposals?

Since when was it "Socialist" to care about the poor and less fortunate? Since when was it "Socialist" to care about one another, even if we come from different back grounds, beliefs, lifestyles, and status?

Isn't that un-American? Isn't that what makes America the great country that is is? Freedom? Freedom to be who you are and what you believe in, regardless if other people disagree and you do them no harm?

I grow weary of the far right wingers attitude toward a large populous of this great country of ours. It seems the only people they care about are themselves, and anyone who is similar to them. It seems they are Elitists who only care about keeping the status quo and their bulging bank accounts. Are these "Elitists" actually bordering on Communism, and attempting to create an "Aryan" nation composed of only themselves?

I continue to hear resonance of the underlying tones of the far right party in disgust. "Let them die", "Poor people need to work harder",  "Forget the people who don't have insurance", "Forget our soldiers risking their lives for our country if they are "gay"",  forget anyone and everyone that does not agree with us and our selfish train of thought. Sounds kind of Communist to me, how about you?  It is surely UN-AMERICAN!

In a DEMOCRACY, the MAJORITY is supposed to rule, regardless of who that majority is!

American Me? the book.                    FIGHT BACK, GET INVOLVED

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