Friday, October 14, 2011

Our Constitution: Freedom of Speech and the Right to Protest

"A government for the people and by the people".

Our current government is the farthest thing from "A government for the people and by the people", and I'm not sure I would even call it a "Democracy". I would call it more a "government for the government and by Big Business".

How can some of our elitists politicians and candidates tout and campaign "We need to get back to our Constitution" when in reality that's probably the last thing they want, unless it suits THEIR needs and agenda?

They continue to campaign on that ideology, yet continue to slam and try to discredit and diffuse the Occupy movement. They also are ADAMANT in their efforts to make sure and keep the current status quo. 

Maybe we "Americans" should take real notice and open our eyes and minds a little wider.

Their "agenda" is not what it seems, just more hypocrisy and lip service.

          Wake up America, before it's too late! Educate yourself!

               American Me? the book

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