Isn't there someone out there with half a brain that wants to make 400K + a year with life long benefits? Probably, but they won't ever get the opportunity since "they" only serve up what's bought and paid for!
From a CNN Money article by Charles Riley, 11.09.11:
"America's Econ 101 professors say yes. In their view, the candidates continue to offer ideas and policies that wouldn't pass muster in their classes -- populated by 18 year-old college students".
"There are so many economic 'misstatements' being made," said Jonathan Lanning, a professor at Bryn Mawr who is teaching two introductory economics classes this semester. "And it isn't confined to any one candidate."
"I think it's grossly irresponsible what they are saying," Golub said. "It's not about economics. It's about getting elected. They are promising things that are impossible to deliver or make little sense."
"The rhetoric sounds good on the campaign trail. Not in the classroom".
"Another professor who teaches at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Michael Salemi, was able to identify statements from six candidates that "would earn failing grades in my Econ 101 class."
What a joke! As I have stated prior: "You candidates need to get this three ring over, so we all know who to vote, AGAINST! Why can't we get an Independent? Seems that may solve numerous problems, including the childish kindergarten antics and bickering of our Congress and Senate! WE DESERVE BETTER!
American Me? the book
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