Friday, August 19, 2011

We Americans can manipulate the market. Oil down, what about gas?

Crude oil is now lower than it has been in quite some time but gas prices aren't. What's the deal? Every time I fill up my car I feel like the gas nozzle hose is being wrapped around my neck while the nozzle is being shoved ............

Big American Oil companies have been making record profits in a time when most of us are just trying to keep our heads above water. OBSCENE PROFITS!

"They" can't afford to pay taxes because it might diminish their HUGE profits. "They" can't afford to create jobs because it might diminish their HUGE profits. Hard to believe that "they" can't afford ANYTHING!

The Canadian government subsidizes the price of gas for it's citizens to keep it's economy more stable. Why  didn't our government spend some of that bailout cash on things that would actually benefit it's citizens?

What will happen when the other huge American monopolies decide their zealous profits aren't high enough?
Our government has been running small farmers and Independents out of business for years. Will they start holding us hostage with food, like they are currently doing with gas?

We Americans need to unite  and organize in a common cause. We could do financial damage to ANY U.S. Corporation or business if we chose to do so UNI FORMALLY! Think if we just boycotted ONE oil company. In a short period of time we could do damage to the sale of their product and stock price!

"United We Stand, Divided We Fall". We are FALLING.

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