Thursday, September 6, 2012

American Me?: Ryan's Mom: The New "Poster Child" for Medicare?

American Me?: Ryan's Mom: The New "Poster Child" for Medicare?: I find this quite interesting. Ryan parading his mother around at a retirement community pronouncing that his mother "depends" on her Social...

Ryan's Mom: The New "Poster Child" for Medicare?

I find this quite interesting. Ryan parading his mother around at a retirement community pronouncing that his mother "depends" on her Social Security and Medicare. Really?

The fact that Ryan is reportedly worth almost 5M would make me a little suspect of that statement right off the bat.

Does he really think we believe his mother is "dependant" on her Social Security and Medicare like so many other Seniors in America?

Does he really think we have forgotten his and Romney's stance on these "entitlement" programs as they call them?

Does he really think we have forgotten Romney's legislation requiring his states citizens to have health care insurance while bashing current health care reform attempts and calling them unconstitutional?

Does he really think we have forgotten his and Romney's stance on turning Medicare into a privatized "voucher" system, much like what Romney proposed in Massachusetts?

FACT: Medicare administrative costs run less that 2 percent of operating expenditures whereas privatized insurers are approximately 11 percent under almost identical  "Medicare Advantage" programs. ( Kaiser Family Foundation, NYT Paul Krugman 06.06.09)

FACT: "Non-partisan data from the Congressional Budget Office  and the Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services demonstrate definitively that private insurance is increasingly less efficient than Medicare". (Diane Archer 9.20.11)

FACT: The Congressional Budget Office states that "the rising cost of private insurance will continue to outstrip Medicare for the next 30 years". "The private insurance equivalent of Medicare would cost almost 40% more in 2022 for a typical 65 year old".

How anyone could make the point that private insurers (who need to make a profit to survive) could offer better and more comprehensive insurance coverage at a lower cost is ridiculous. Let's keep in mind that the numbers above are operating expense only, and DO NOT include PROFIT for PRIVATE INSURERS.

Keep your hands off my "entitlement program" that I PAID FOR!

We need Health Care Reform, not health care based on insurer's PROFIT!

Read more in my award winning book: "American Me?"


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Romney Proud to Admit He Pays 13% Income Tax?

How arrogant and how out of touch with the average American can this man be?

To smugly and proudly admit (with that creepy smile of his in tact) that he has paid around 13% Federal Income Tax on his millions (around 250M last estimate) for the last 10 years is offensive.

To state that he has paid all taxes he was "required" to pay is a slap in the face to the average American. Especially considering he and his parties' cronies have implemented and kept laws in tact to insure they never pay the same rate (or even close) to the same rate the average working slob in America does. Criminal?

I guess he does not even realize that MOST Americans (the middle class), pay close to THREE TIMES that rate in Federal Income Tax, in addition to paying for our own health care and retirement plans?

Is he living on the same planet and in the same country as the rest of us?

Another wealthy aristocrat that is gonna fix it all and make it "better" for the rest of us?


           Read more in the book: "American Me?"        Get Involved!


Thursday, June 28, 2012

Racism: Those Who Benefit & Profit Most Keep it Alive

I don't usually think about the color of someone's skin. Matter of fact the thought never really crosses my mind. Unless of course, I am slapped in the face with it. It is my opinion that a majority of Americans would agree.
So I have to ask the question: Since when did Americans start to exonerate and commemorate thugs, criminals, crack addicts, and theives because of the color of their skin?

I am talking about Rodney King here. Yahoo News basically idolizes and exonerates Rodney King in it's recent article " Rodney Kings Plea Measures His Lasting Meaning"(06.18.2012). Quoted from the article: "Twenty years later, Rodney King's simple yet profound question still lingers, from the street where Trayvon Martin died all the way to the White House".

Does anyone remember or even realize he was in a drug crazed frenzy when he took police on a citywide high speed automobile chase, putting thousands of people in harms way? Does anyone remember that he was on parole for robbing a convenience store and threatening the clerk with a metal pipe? Did they really have to drag Trayvon Martin into Rodney Kings death? The only similarities here are that they were both black and both cried "foul" because of it. The only reason Rodney King was found dead in the bottom of his own swimming pool (instead of a 5x5 jail cell ) is also because he was black. He was far from a "decent" man and had a life long track record to prove it.

Most ironic in the latter Trayvon Martin case, is that the other person involved ( George Zimmerman ) was of a mixed ethnic background. Even more ironic is civil rights leaders, the sensationalist media, and much of the public had already played judge and jury in condemming Zimmerman before ever hearing any evidence, and before he even said a word in his own defense.  Even the pictures the media displayed of Trayvon were mis-guided and dated, in an attempt to make him "appear" to be an innocent  choir boy type, (which was not the case from his Twitter account and other articles surfaced later). 

Isn't this racist and discriminatory in itself? A definition of "discriminate" from Websters online as follows: "to make difference in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit".

Numerous unarmed people are shot and killed in this country everyday. Is it only when they are black and shot by a non black that the civil rights leaders and sensationalist media really care and take note?

These "Civil Rights Leaders" and sensationalist media outlets are feeding and keeping racism alive and well for their own benefit, profit, and self percieved "power" and "status".  THEY are the ones who WILL NOT and CANNOT SURVIVE without it, unlike the rest of us as they want us to beleive.

Quite frankly I don't particularly care what color you are. If you break the law and get caught, you pay the price. NO EXCUSE! PERIOD!

         Read more in the book "American Me?"    Get involved!

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Me, Me, Me, Me, Me! "Can't We All Just Get Along"? Can't We Find Peace From Within??

I know our government will most likely never allow world peace, but can't we have peace in our own country among ourselves? How about "live and let live"?

This is one thing that is fundamentally wrong with our country, our government, our politicians, and OURSELVES. Me, Me, Me, Me, Me! Self centered, self indulgent, and self serving.

I was blessed to have been born in the 60's. In the majority of my life, The U.S. "bounty" has most always been plentiful. There has always been enough to go around for most anyone who was willing to work a little for it. This is not the case in our current "authoritarian" capitalist economy. "Democratic capitalism" (which made this country what it once was), stands in contrast to our current "authoritarian capitalism", by limiting the influence of special interest groups, including corporate lobbyists, on politics".

We lifted the impoverished out of poverty with a chance at a better life, not a hand out. We enhanced the lifestyle of the average American, of ALL Americans. The Middle Class and the Wealthy paid taxes willingly, for the good of the whole. Life was good for most everyone in America, not just a chosen few, and we were happy with it.

Isn't that what real "Americans" are all about? Isn't that what made this country what it once was? Isn't that what the definition of "America" was? Haven't "Americans" always taken care of their own?

There are many intelligent and objective people in this country, regardless of political party. Can't we get together and come upon resolutions that work for everyone? Negotiate. Compromise. Compassion. Is it that hard, or is it that simple?

Take a good long hard look in the mirror. Are you part of the problem, or part of the solution? 

"American Me?" the book       Get involved.      

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

U.S.D.A: Cut the Fat and Stop Feeding Us Dog Food

Need budget cuts? Here's a great place to start. Just one of the numerous tax payer supported government departments I talked about in the book that were created to watch out for us, but seem to prefer to watch out for Big Biz and their profits (or not watch out at all ).

The following is just one example of many, from the food they allow to be sold, to dangerous drugs, to medical implants, to ..............

From an article on Yahoo News and a video from Jamie Oliver ( link below):

"McDonalds confirms it's no longer using "pink slime" in it's burgers".

OMG this is disgusting! Pink slime is a product made with beef that is not fit for human consumption, but slated for dog food and other products.  Because the USDA considers this a "process", it allows vendors to not disclose that this garbage is in any product, or how much or what percentage may be contained.

Almost any type of commercially processed ground beef , chili meat, etc. will most likely contain around 15 PERCENT of this product. This allows them to sell it to us unknowingly, and create bigger profits for themselves. They basically take chemically altered garbage ( beef not fit for human consumption, ammonia, and water ) , mix it up and feed it to us, and make an additional 15%!  The chemical kills the germs, bacteria and other toxins, now rendering it "safe" for humans.

Other "safe" chemicals found routinely in our foods:

Propylene Glycol: Very similar to ethylene glycol or anti-freeze.
Carmine: Found in most red food coloring and made from ground up cochineal beetles.
Shellac: Yes the same stuff on your furniture, used a lot for gloss on candy etc.
L-cycsteine: A dough enhancer made from hair, feathers, hooves, and bristles.
Silicon dioxide: Basically sand used as a anti caking agent in shredded cheese and fast food chili etc.

Mmmmm Hmmmm!

Nothing like the good old boys at the U.S.D.A looking out for us! They classify these products as "generally recognized as safe". Generally? What is that supposed to mean?

This is just ONE example, not to forget they use a very similar process with processed chicken products.

Need budget cuts? Cut the fat and BS at the USDA!

Jamie Oliver's video, a MUST WATCH:

"American Me?" the book      Get involved!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"Richie Rich" Elitist Politicians Need to GO!

These wealthy aristocrats we call elected public servants are so far removed from real life in America. They can't even begin to understand and the trials and tribulations that most Americans face everyday.

How can the Republican party keep on serving up these elite wealthy candidates who obviously don't even believe believe in our own American system, unless they themselves are raping, pillaging, and profiting from it?

Mitt Romney: "American Corporations are people too". They are OUR "friends"? Who's "friends" is he talking about? The "1%"? These guys just want to keep the "playground" in their own backyards.

He made a whopping 21.7 million in 2010 and paid a measly 13.9% of it in income taxes. That rate is lower than most Americans who are technically considered "poor", and  far far below the average Americans tax rate.

Jack Blum, a Washington lawyer who is an authority on tax enforcement and offshore banking stated " His personal finances are a poster child for what's wrong with the American tax system".

How can this man be running for President of the United States of America when he doesn't even have enough faith in his own country to "park" his own millions here? How can we have any faith in him when he circumvents our own system himself, a problematic system he is supposed to be capable of repairing? How can he "fix" whats wrong with this country when he doesn't even understand it, or even live within the confines he dictates for the rest of us? Richie Rich the hypocrite.

Believe me, he's not the only one. In the book I wrote about our elected officials, DBA the Rich and Famous. A large percentage of our Congress and Senate are millionaires or multi-millionaires as well. Remember Charles Rangel? This was a man who was Chairman of the tax writing Ways and Means Committee, who was found GUILTY on 11 charges of not reporting hundreds if thousand of dollars in additional income and assets on his financial disclosure statements. Even more appalling is he went on to win his 21st term in Congress regardless.

Sounds like a "Country Club" to me. And the membership is being paid by the American Middle Class taxpayer. Enough is enough. They need to GO!

How can we have faith in our own system when the people we have running it are a big part of the problem?

Is this some unified agenda here with our elected officials and government, from BOTH parties? Another movie scene, another well orchestrated act in this never ending drama called American Politics?

How can this be happening right under our noses?

When we the "American" people, sit idly by and let our elected officials get away with it. If you think things are bad now, just keep ignoring the never ending warning signs and wait and see where that leaves you, your children, and the rest of us poor working slob "Americans". Conspiracy theory? YOU BET! Come on now, does any of this make any sense?

Cows being let to the trough for slaughter. That is where the American Working/Middle Class is headed, to death and extinction. So where will you, your family, and their families end up? Are you going to just  roll the dice and hope for the best?

American Me?  the book          Get Involved

Friday, January 13, 2012

Don't Pee on Me? More Politically Correct Hypcritical BS!


So a few of our Marines risking their lives in Afghanistan decided they would take a wiz on some dead enemy soldiers. BFD!

I'm not saying this was the "Politically Correct" thing to do, but if it made them feel better about what they were doing , so what! Who am I to criticize these soldiers when I don't have a clue about what they go through on a daily basis? This is not even remotely close to some of the things OUR enemies have done to OUR soldiers and POW's, not even close. And we will surely never know what they have done to some of our dead.

This is WAR brought on by our OWN government. It's UGLY. It's not a popularity contest. Who has a right to criticize if they aren't there fighting along side these men and women?

It's not like it was that big of a deal, until our mainstream sensationalist media got a hold of it. From an ABC World News Clip:

This "shocking video" "has changed the global perception of the U.S. Marines"

"This puts such a bad light on us", "a huge setback".

Really? Didn't change my perception of our Marines. Who the hell is this news anchor to criticize our soldiers in the first place? Sitting in his comfy chair, plastered with makeup and hairspray, in a thousand dollar suit. I have to wonder if he ever served our country? I think NOT! He needs to just SHUT UP! What gall, what an idiot, what a hypocrite.

The USMC stated: " The actions portrayed are not consistent with our core values and are not indicative of the character of the Marines in our Corps".

"Those accountable will be held responsible, and may incur criminal charges."

The Islamic-American Relations Council has " condemned the videos as disturbing, and says it could endanger the lives of other American Soldiers and civilians serving in Afghanistan".

Doesn't this sound familiar? I wrote about similar situations in the book about our high ranking  officials condemning a Florida pastor for threatening to burn Korans. Their response was the same: "This could put our armed forces in more danger and in harms way."

BUT, when THEY executed and unarmed man ( Bin Laden ), and THEY could use it to further THEIR agenda and popularity, THEY didn't seem to care about any "danger to our troops or civilians".

Not that I was not in favor, I am just pointing out the blatant hypocrisy here.

SUPPORT OUR TROOPS! They are doing a job they may not want to do. They are doing a job that they are directed to do. They are doing a job in wars that were created by these same hypocrites.

If you don't have something good to say about these fine men and women serving our country then just SHUT UP. Get a life. Find some REAL news.

       "American Me?" the book  

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Immigration Reform Update: What a Joke!

Reform? Yeah right!

Citing "budget cuts" they have decided to cut the number of Border Control Agents on our Mexican border  a minimum of 50%. Who in their right mind could ever imagine that half the number of Agents could even begin to control the never ending influx of illegals and criminals into our country along a 2000 mile stretch, especially when the current number aren't cutting it either?

California alone will be cut from 264 to just 14 troops. This in a state that is over run with illegals.

Homeland Security Officials have stated that the increase in troops over the last few years has made the region safer. They referred to the latest figures that showed apprehended illegals "fell to 327,577 in fiscal 2011, down from 447,731 in 2010, and from 1.6 million in 2000". (Washington Times, Stephen Dinan, 12.12.11).

We American taxpayers should be OUTRAGED. Especially when our government is spending BILLIONS protecting and supporting other foreign countries and wars. Shouldn't the most powerful nation on the planet be able to accomplish the simple task of controlling it's own borders? This is idiotic, hypocritical, ludicrous and insane.

The financial costs to the American taxpayer associated with illegals in our country is STAGGERING. In addition, the strain on our system, infrastructure, schools, hospitals, insurance costs, unemployment, crime, and national security,etc. is also STAGGERING.

We taxpayer/citizens need Immigration Reform and we need it NOW! Don't let your elected officials get away with sweeping this issue this under the rug any longer.

Read more in the book : American Me? chapter; Immigration: "The Land of the Free or For Free?"

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