Thursday, July 28, 2011

American Me?: The American Middle Class is on Death Row

American Me?: The American Middle Class is on Death Row: "The real criminals in this country of ours ( the U.S.), are living in multi-million dollar mansions and spending money like water, in the w..."

The American Middle Class is on Death Row

The real criminals in this country of ours ( the U.S.),  are living in multi-million dollar mansions and spending money like water, in the worst financial climate in most of our lives. Living the "high" life! That's right. Living in multi- million dollar mansions, making multi millions, and spending millions. Who are they? Our Politicians, Big Biz, and the lobbyists. All  this at the expense of the every day Joe, Middle Class America. Even worse if the fact that they created this mess in the first place and continue to profit. They are choking and killing the American Middle Class. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Will the American Middle Class ever wake up and start to fight back, or will they just continue to die this slow, slow death? More in the book "American Me?"

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The New Miracle Drug Found on Capital Hill: Spenditol

This was too good not to post, and kind of funny and true to boot! Grassroots Action's new video on the new miracle drug "Spenditol". Gotta watch!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

American Me?: Wu the Congressman: Chester, Chester, the Molester...

American Me?: Wu the Congressman: Chester, Chester, the Molester...: "These are the kind of people that are representing our Nation in such high profile positions? I thought we had already gotten a real eye ope..."

Wu the Congressman: Chester, Chester, the Molester?

These are the kind of people that are representing our Nation in such high profile positions? I thought we had already gotten a real eye opener with Wiener and some of these other clowns? Wu, a 56 year old man has been accused of having non-consensual sex with an 18 year old, the teenage daughter of one of his close friends to boot! Could you imagine one of your 50+ year old "friends" having sex with your eighteen year old daughter? I don't know what you would do, but I have a good idea what I would do. Even worse is I'm sure he probably won't even  be prosecuted like they would prosecute a regular everyday "American". Probably just a little slap on the wrist! Bad boy Wu, very, very, bad boy! This is obscene and almost incomprehensible, from one of our nations "Leaders"? I say creepy boy Wu, creepy, creepy boy! I guess they are all above the law! More in my book "American Me?" the chapter "Our Politicians dba the Rich and Famous".

Monday, July 25, 2011

American Me?: Does anyone else hear that giant flushing sound?

American Me?: Does anyone else hear that giant flushing sound?: "The sound of our middle class futures and livelyhoods in this country we call 'America', going down the crapper! Our government can't even g..."

Does anyone else hear that giant flushing sound?

The sound of our middle class futures and livelyhoods in this country we call "America", going down the crapper! Our government can't even get it together in regard to paying it's own bills, yet we are supposed to continue to "sacrifice" while these fat cats get richer by the day! Why shouldn't the wealthy pay more taxes since they are the ones making all the money? Budget cuts? How about Military cuts and I'm not talking about the enlisted people's pay checks. We spend more on our Miltary budget than any other expenditure. Somewhere in the range of 50%, almost HALF of the revenue our government takes in. Cut that crap, not our seniors social security! I just wonder what's going to happen if the U.S. defaults? Are we headed for another 1929? It sure won't surprise me! More in the book "American Me?"

Thursday, July 21, 2011

American Me?: Should people on "Social" programs be subject to t...

American Me?: Should people on "Social" programs be subject to t...: "I think YES. Why not? The average WORKING 'American' is subject to drug testing so why shouldn't people on government programs be as well? ..."

Should people on "Social" programs be subject to take drug tests?

I think YES. Why not? The average WORKING "American" is subject to drug testing so why shouldn't people on government programs be as well?  Matter of fact is that most employers are under mandate to have testing programs in place and randomly drug  test employees, so why wouldn't our own governments have to follow the same rules? Doesn't make much sense to me but does anything our government does? Another misconception is that people blame the Fed for welfare programs when in fact the Fed handed that responsibility back to the individual states years ago. Got a problem with it? Contact your State Representatives, not the Fed! More in my book "American Me?"

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

American Me?: Federal Budget cuts: More smoke, mirrors, and excu...

American Me?: Federal Budget cuts: More smoke, mirrors, and excu...: "Do the math. Whatever budget cuts the Fed is proposing ( most are taxpayer benefits ) , are just another scene in this grand play and decept..."

Federal Budget cuts: More smoke, mirrors, and excuses to cut taxpayer benefits.

Do the math. Whatever budget cuts the Fed is proposing ( most are taxpayer benefits ) , are just another scene in this grand play and deception our government is performing. Let's put it into contrast and real numbers. Let's hypothesize that the Fed cuts 100 million from it's 3.5 trillion dollar budget and compare that with an average single Americans budget of $2000.00. If the single American cut their budget by that same ratio, it would relate to a budget of $1999.94, a grand savings of .06 ( six cents ). Who do they think they are fooling? Is there some reason they have to cut taxpayer benefits rather than the HUGE and overwhelming military budget, or even their own benefits? Middle Class America needs to WAKE UP! The lights are on........

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

American Me?: A government for the People and by the People? Wha...

American Me?: A government for the People and by the People? Wha...: "A potent and deadly combination for Middle Class America: Our government, Big Biz, Lobbyist, and greed, all skipping hand in hand down the Y..."

A government for the People and by the People? What happened?

A potent and deadly combination for Middle Class America: Our government, Big Biz, Lobbyist, and greed, all skipping hand in hand down the Yellow Brick Road. We "Americans" were too busy, too tired, too overworked or just too lazy and content to care. Those days are over and now it's time we "Americans" get it back before it's too late ( if it's not already). More in the book "American Me?"

Monday, July 18, 2011

American Me?: Are our Senior Citizens the next to join the ranks...

American Me?: Are our Senior Citizens the next to join the ranks...: "Right beside the chronically unemployed and some of our Veterans? What the hell is wrong with these idiots we have running our country? Cutt..."

Are our Senior Citizens the next to join the ranks of the Homeless?

Right beside the chronically unemployed and some of our Veterans? What the hell is wrong with these idiots we have running our country? Cutting benefits for the people who need and deserve them the most (taxpayers and former taxpayers)? Funny that that's where our politicians always seem to find ways to trim THEIR spending! Keep in mind that THEY are spending OUR money! Let's also keep in mind that as American taxpayers we were FORCED to pay into this "retirement" fund called Social Security. WE PAID FOR IT, and they have no right to take it away or diminish it! They have been raping and pillaging this fund for years. I wonder why they don't start cutting THEIR OWN  fat cat retirements and paychecks considering a large number of them are MILLIONAIRES? "What's good for the goose is good for the gander"! We have got to get these idiots under control NOW! More in my book "American Me?". Are you an "American"?

Friday, July 15, 2011

American Me?: People, Look around you. The signs are everywhere....

American Me?: People, Look around you. The signs are everywhere....: "'O People, Look around you The signs are everywhere You've left it for somebody other than you To be the one to care You're lost inside ..."

People, Look around you. The signs are everywhere...Do YOU care?

"O People, Look around you
The signs are everywhere
You've left it for somebody other than you
To be the one to care
You're lost inside your houses
There's no time to find you now
Your walls are burning and your towers are turning
I'm going to leave you here and try and get back to the sea somehow"

Jackson Brown

It's time we "Americans" started caring again and it's time we take back control of OUR own Country.
Read more in my book "American Me?"

Thursday, July 14, 2011

American Me?: 30 million barrels of oil on the wall. 30 million...

American Me?: 30 million barrels of oil on the wall. 30 million...: "So Prez O released 30 million barrels of oil from our reserve to accommodate the loss in production from Libya and to deflect any shortage i..."

30 million barrels of oil on the wall. 30 million barrels of oil....

So Prez O released 30 million barrels of oil from our reserve to accommodate the loss in production from Libya and to deflect any shortage in supply? This was just more "lip service" sold to the "American" public as a way to lower gas prices and help us poor middle class slobs out. Yeah right! How will that help his campaign? I sure haven't seen any decrease in gas prices where I live, how about you? All this while the U.S. Big Oil corporate giants continue to make record profits (and pay little if any U.S. taxes).  They just won't cut us a freakin break! Work harder you SLAVES, we are not yet rich enough to quench our never ending thirst and greed! More in my book "American Me?"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A new addition to the homeless, American Veterans

On a recent 60 minutes broadcast I saw where some of our American Vet's have joined the Unemployed, and the Mentally ill, and are now part of a new "American" society: The Homeless. Many of these people were a productive part of our society and have ended up on the streets through no fault of their own. Although our government can spend billions on wars in the name of "Democracy", we can't afford to take care of our own citizens? How hypocritical is that? How  un-"American" is that? How can we police the world in the name of "Democracy" when we don't seem t have democracy in our own country anymore? Our government's largest expenditure is on war and killing. THEY are supposed to take care of US, that's what WE pay THEM to do! This is a disgrace.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Is the "American" Middle Class becoming the new class of SLAVES, or are we already there?

Here we go again. Our infamous government in it's attempt to pay for it's own out of control spending on it's own agena, all at the American Middle Class' expense? The wealthy and Big Biz already pay a disproportionate (if any) of the tax burden in this country, yet now control and earn a historically high and disproportionate amount of the wealth. Since they are making so much money while the middle class is starving, why shouldn't they bear at least the same amount of tax burden, if not more? The American Middle Class' income has not even kept up with inflation over the last few decades. It is a fact that the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer! Let's also keep in mind that these are the same people that got us in this mess and kicked our great country to it's knees in the first place, all in the name of GREED. Now the Repulicans want to cut OUR benefit programs that WE PAID FOR while maintaining the status quo for Big Biz and the wealthy? Read more details and facts in the chapter titled "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" from my book " American Me?"